
you beautiful being

I’m Nicole Rae, a sacred sexuality guide helping women find more joy in the ‘now ‘, reclaim their erotic aliveness, their wildness, and come back into sacred relationship with their body. I absolutely love guiding women into connection with their subtle energy body because I have witnessed how quickly that can awaken life force energy itself, and begin to build a wellspring of energy that they can pull from in everyday life as a mother, provider, creator, community builder, and leader.

My 1:1 coaching work, deep learnings from spiritual and embodiment mentors like Layla Martin, Marina Nabão, and Skye Zimmerman, and certification from the Vital Integrated Tantric Approach (VITA) school have all led me here – and for that I am profoundly grateful. (Not to mention the unwavering support of a partner who really sees me).

But let me rewind a bit. Before my awakening to the transformative power of sexual energy, I was tapped out, bled dry, lost in the role of self-sacrificing mom. I’m sure you’ve met this woman (or have been her) – the one saying ‘yes’ way too often, rescuing everyone around her, wearing exhaustion like a badge of honor, and letting her sense of self slip away. I didn’t know it then, but I was entrenched in the traumas of my earlier life.

Through all of the same tools I share with clients today, I began to retrieve one by one the parts of myself I had lost to trauma – my sense of fun and flirtation, seeing myself as a sensual being, and using pleasure and passion as a guide in my life.

My life’s work is to help women experience their own divinity through deep connection with their sexual energy, as this energy is life force itself. (Ancient Taoist texts say sexual energy is life and life is sexual energy. They are inseparable.) But for many, the first step will be to move from endless anxiety loops and over-thinking into a more restful relationship with their mind and body, their inner landscape. It’s from here that their wisdom, fire, and purpose emerge.

So, if you’re ready to shed some weight, reignite your eros, and even glimpse the divine within you, I am here to guide you through this journey each step of the way.

Nicole Rae hugging her children
